in form 4 there's a dissection part in biology syllabus....
b4 tis i am so excited....
cool~~finally can dissect an animal....
da day b4 da dissection.....v still haven't decide wat animal v shud use....
at last Zheng Yang bought a little hamster....
which cost us RM 10....*v still haven't pay him although it's alredi 2 days ago...*
da next day....da 1st period is bio!!
v waiting for da hamster.....
meanwhile others brought frogs....and also fish.....
ZY, as usual, came to skul lately....
bringing da cute hamster....
da hamster is very very cute and also active!!!
i started to struggling...tat time....
da mouse can hold it's body by 1 hand or 1 leg..!!
so cute...!ran here and exercises....
i wanna save i suggested to dissect a fish which is alredi dead....
but...they refused to do so....
bcoz they wanna try as tis may be da only one chance or experience to dissect an animal..
ok...i shud not grab away da chance for them to try...
b4 v dissect da animal....v took a photo....
here is it....

cute rite!?poor mouse....
Travis Tai looks like a devil....who wan crushes da mouse
1st....v wanna make da mouse faint 1st...
by using chloroform....a toxic substance i think and let da mouse smell at it....
but....da mouse is really really active like hell....
v let it smell it for 20 minutes but still haven't faint....
and keep on struggling...maybe it juz wanna b alive....
at last it failed...and fainted....and slept....for forever.....
2nd v peeled da skin of da of da mouse...carefully......
*warning:disgusting's 18PL*

i think 1pic is enuf la....
da others is more disgusting la....
i still 15 photo and videos too...
if wanna c.....
juz leave me a comment....
last wednesday....during BC class...
v went to da bio lab to have a look at da frog's lung's cell...
and den....da BC teacher called a student to call us go back to BC class...
and den scolded us lo...
but v really nvr look at da lung cell ma....
and den she wan all of write a apologize letter....
den ma write lo....
and den 2day....give it to teacher....
and den called us to do it all over again in a proper writing....
at last i am da one who wrote it....and the one who copy it again....
these few days really need pray liao....
kick away all da bad luck...
walau A!!
exam coming le!!
wish that hamster rest in peace...